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Battlefield 3 Mã¼ Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Mi

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  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is more enjoyable than Battlefield 3

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is more enjoyable than Battlefield 3. This is because of the fact that Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 has better graphics than Battlefield 3. Battlefield 3 has less enjoyable gameplay than Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. Lastly, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 has much higher replay value than Battlefield 3.

  • Black Ops 2 Better than Battlefield 3

    Due to its fast-paced gameplay, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 offers more enjoyable gameplay than Battlefield 3. The game runs more smoothly and offers a better experience in many areas. Battlefield 3 offers bigger maps and better team-based play, but these factors can't make up for the other areas in which BO2 wins.

  • I've never been a fan of either...

    But since I have to pick one, I'll go with BO2. Not for it's multiplayer, because that sucks, and not for it's zombies mode because ENOUGH WITH THE ZOMBIES ALREADY. But BO2 did have a pretty good plot, and the campaign was a lot of fun. (Something Battlefield can never achieve.) It's also worth noting that a call of duty game had more outcome from player choice than Mass Effect.

  • Call of Duty=more fun

    Smaller maps-more engagements
    No vehicle-more gun focused
    Recoil-battlefield 3 guns have too much recoil to be fun, its guns also deal way too low damage
    Flexibility-Black ops 2 has an extremely flexible pick-ten class system while in Battlefield 3 you are still stuck with certain limitations
    Variety-Black ops 2 has a zombie mode as a form of bonus, which Battlefield 3 lacks

  • Battlefield: More engaging

    Having played both games I prefer BLOPS2 in short, concentrated bursts, but anything longer than that I lose interest - run in a room, shoot people, die, repeat. Battlefield makes for a much more engaging experience with vehicles adding more variety and larger maps, along with squads which provide a system for working in a team.

    Add to that that the graphics for Battlefield are indisputably better and the general lack of 12 year olds whining in the lobbies and I don't see the contest.

  • Depends on the consumer

    When it comes to whether Black Ops 2 or Battlefield 3 and which one is more enjoyable, it really depends on the gamer. I know people who refuse to play Call of Duty games but will gladly play Battlefield. It all comes down to what the gamer like about each game.

  • Same game, different year

    Battlefield 3 is not an especially intellectual exercise, but it does benefit from a lengthy development cycle designed specifically to leap ahead of the leaders in the military shooter market - Call of Duty. On the other hand, Activision has milked Call of Duty into the ground, releasing a slight variation of the same game every year. With the quick turnaround for Battlefield 4, this competition may soon become a lose/lose situation, but Battlefield 3 wins this round easily.

  • Battlefield 3 is more enjoyable than Call of Duty: Black Ops 2.

    Battlefield 3 is more enjoyable than Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. I have played both of them and I think I prefer Battlefield 3 better. This is because the story in Battlefield is more enjoyable. The multi-player in Battlefield also beats that you will find in Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

  • Battlefield 3 is Better than Black Ops 2

    Battlefield 3 is better than Black Ops 2. Battlefield 3 has classes which will let you heal your team mates, fix vehicles, get more ammo, and more. Black Ops 2 does not have classes or abilities like this. Black Ops 2 has many different kinds of vehicles and Black Ops 2 doesn't have any in multiplayer form. Additionally, Black Ops 2 has much smaller maps making it less realistic and less enjoyable than Battlefield 3.

  • Battlefield 3 is way better than black ops 2.

    Ok battlefield 3 is better because of its multiplayer and its campaign. A lot of people say that bf3 can't achieve a fun gameplay. Well bf3 did that before bo2 did. There is simply no contest at all. People that don't like it haven't played or they don't have an idea on what they are talking about. I am going to make a list of why bf3 is better than bo2: multiplayer, better gameplay, you can actually drive a vehicle, better guns, bo2 copied off of bf3 and medal of honor, people say you don't have perks well you do like sprint, expl, flak, suppress, mag, also people say bf3 doesn't have airstike well that is the point why do you think they give you jets and helicopters, oh yeah to make your own airstrike, people also say bf3 is to realistic well you can't get to realistic, also bo2 doesn't have mines and remember we are almost in 2014 not 2025 that is ridiculous, bf3 is more current and don't forget about graphics they are amazing unlike bo2's blurry graphics, also the squads on multiplayer is something bo2 doesn't have, people also say their is better engagement in bo2 because the maps are smaller well the maps on bf3 are bigger and better and you get the same amount of engagement because their are 24 total players than 16 in bo2 so in bf3 it is 12 on 12 and in bo2 it's 8 on 8, you have to be kidding me, that is like a firefight it ends fast, bf3 takes 20 minutes of fun multiplayer at the most and if you want your maps to be short just do teamdeathmatch,ALSO you can customize your character in multiplayer, i could go on but their is no comparison bf3 is better.

  • Neither are better than each other

    I wish I could speak for both. Battlefield 3 is pretty expensive, and I guess previous games due to their high quality (except 1942's free), Battlefield has been longer a PC exclusive than CoD (explaining why some dismiss it so quickly), previous CoD games have been given a bad rap for exploits from both fellow gamers and the company (such as overused tactics and luring money away from them), both experience players with poor mic etiquette.

    I like Black Ops 2, because of its slightly more appealing sci-fi theme and fast paced gameplay compared with previous games (I've only played to briefly for a few times). I guess what's to dislike could be similar to previous CoD games (air strikes), seemingly no provisions for newer players or losing teams, lack of hack immunity.

    I like Battlefield 3 because of its fluidity and realism, but the game gets boring quickly if you cannot afford the somewhat pricey expansion packs and the privilege to run a dedicated server ($40 a month).

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Battlefield 3 Mã¼ Call of Duty Black Ops 2 Mi
