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Can You Drink Coffee on the 369 Liver Cleansing Diet

Choosing to do the Advanced 3:6:9 Cleanse by the Medical Medium was a no-brainer for me. I'm tired of feeling off and want to heal.

The advanced 3:6:9 Liver Rescue cleanse made the most sense to me at the time of selecting a cleanse; eating fruit and veg in its raw form to gain most benefit.

This cleanse is set up over nine days and is segmented in days one-to-three, four-to-six and then seven-to-nine, hence the name 3:6:9.

Each segment follows a strict diet plan but changes (slightly) from the previous segment. Day nine is basically all juicing.

A quick synopsis : This cleanse is meant for those who are serious about improving their health, it's not for the faint-hearted and isn't cheap.

It requires complete dedication to the strict guidelines and will require loads of preparation (especially if you are not home-based, i.e., you hold a job or are spending most of your time out of your home)

I've journaled my experience and review of days one - nine below, do note however this will be unique to my experience and every individual will encounter their own experiences.

Raw spinach soup topped with pieces of cucumber
Advanced 3:6:9 Cleanse - Raw Spinach Soup

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Lebanese Lentil Soup is a staple soup in my family - it features several times in my menu over the cooler months.

It's comforting and nutritious,just like Molokhia  - another ultimate comforting Lebanese dish.

This soup is called 'shorbet adas' (or shorbat adas) in Arabic, and it's one of my top two favourite soups - I always want to lick the bowl dry afterwards.

Shorbet Adas which literally translates to 'Soup Lentil' has so many things going for it.

I have been making this Lebanese soup since my 20's, originally it wasn't a vegan soup, however now that I have switched it over, the difference is negligible.

Before we get into it, I want to mention another Arabic lentil soup recipe called Lebanese lemon lentil soup. It's completely different, it has chunky bits of vegetables and uses brown lentils instead of orange lentils. It's worth checking out and adding this soup to your list.

Things you should know

  • This version of the Medical Medium cleanses is completely raw whole food vegan with no additives. I.e., no oils, added sugar, salts, spices, seasonings or any packaged foods.
  • If you are not used to mostly eating a plant-based diet, I recommend starting on the other cleanses (e.g., original) as it includes some cooked foods.
  • Consuming organic produce is highly recommended - this is part of the high cost (in Sydney, organic produce is a premium)
  • There are recommended supplements to complement the cleanse (these are high end organic naturally derived - again high cost)


  • If you drink coffee regularly try and wean off before starting - I'd like to mention prior to starting this cleanse, I had cut out coffee a week before, as I didn't want to experience any possible associated headaches.
  • I replaced coffee with extra cups of fresh herbal tea, which helps to uplift the immune system giving me a head start.
  • If you've never completed a cleanse, don't worry I've not done any proper cleanses before. Just go in with a good and positive mindset.
  • Take the time to read the Medical Medium's Cleanse To Heal book to identify which cleanse best suits your needs.
  • If you've never read any of his books before, be prepared to be loaded with tons of information, so allow yourself the time to digest this.
  • If you cook for others, try meal prepping their meals ahead, as you may not want to feel like cooking for others whilst on this cleanse. I had the support whereby my family were self-sufficient during this time.
  • Locate where to purchase all your required items, these will be split into two main categories (assuming you have all the needed kitchen gadgets) 1. Raw produce, 2. Supplements.
  • I managed to find good quality raw produce through an online food retailer and my local organic food store and for the supplements I sourced these mostly through Amazon* and iHerb.
  • Create a shopping list per segment (supplements will generally cover all segments, so make this part of the initial shop)


  • Read the Medical Medium Cleanse To Heal* book, or at least all the sections that are relevant to you
  • Have post it notes and a pen at hand to tab off sections of the book that are a standout to you which you will need to refer back to (symptoms, your nominated cleanse, recipes etc)
  • I recommend you split your shopping to follow each segment of the cleanse (the cleanse is split into three segments), this is easiest to keep tabs of what items you are purchasing and will fit your fridge (celery takes up so much room!)
  • If shopping online for home delivery, take into consideration the delivery time
  • If you are not home based and you need to attend to work or be out and about, prepare all the food & juices you need in advance for the day or portion of the day. Don't get caught out!
  • Day 9: I highly recommend you try and undertake this day at home. Make it coincide on a weekend. This day is a juicing/puree day, which means you are consuming large amounts of juice and you may frequent the toilet a lot more than you are accustomed to.

Days One - Three

Day One

I was really excited to start this day, the first part of the day starts with lemon water and celery juice, this is standard for me and was easy.

I want to outline the meal plan for this segment;

  • The breakfast component is a large heavy metals detox smoothie which I enjoy.
  • Mid morning (and afternoon) snack is a red apple, fine - no problems with this either.
  • Lunch was a raw spinach soup, now this is not an exciting meal, I found it unpleasant to eat the large portion (it taste like grass) but do so with the mantra 'this is for my healing'. I was optimistic this will benefit me.
  • Another celery juice in the afternoon.
  • Dinner I opted the kale salad (there are options of other salads) this was a massive salad, I couldn't finish it on this day. The nicest part of this salad are the dates and chilli.
  • Out of the entire day I was really looking forward to my evening choice of beverage of chaga mushroom tea, something I had incorporated into my life a couple of months prior.
  • Prior to bedtime, more lemon water - I skipped this as I didn't want to wake through the night to urinate.

Physically and mentally, I felt fine on day one, but I just never felt full.

When I would eat my allotted meals/juices I felt good & full, but I would end up hungry before the next snack/meal.

This wasn't uncomfortable, just an observation and I didn't experience any cravings.

I did have a prior cold that I was day four into, my ears were ringing but that was from before.

I also did (and still am) taking supplements to suit my needs and these were fine too.

Addendum: second time on the cleanse (I will highlight in green the extent of each day); I had a headache throughout the day (this could be that I hadn't cut ou t coffee prior to starting the cleanse)

Day Two

The same foods/juices were consumed as day one. I woke up feeling fine and flatter in the stomach.

I still found consuming the raw spinach soup to be a chore, though I thoroughly enjoyed the raw garlic (I seriously am a huge fan) my energy levels were good.

Mid-afternoon I had a faint feeling of nausea which lasted on and off for an hour.

Late afternoon I started having what felt like period/PCOS pain but within 5 minutes it developed into crippling bowel pain, I had to go to the bathroom for round two of the day (smelt like I ate a barrel of freshly cut grass, haha, sorry to be gross).

This pain went on for approximately 20 minutes and then vanished. It was awful and made me sweat a little.

This day I was still urinating like a camel.

Addendum: second time on the cleanse; I had a headache for most of the day and felt a little depressed in the afternoon.

Day Three

The same foods/juices were consumed as day one and two. Upon waking up I decided to weigh myself; to my delight I shed two kilos and my stomach was still flatter than usual.

During late morning I was feeling happier than usual, for no apparent reason. I liked this feeling.

My energy levels were fine even though I woke up at 3.30am due to the weather and was able to get back to sleep within 45 minutes.

I had three rounds of bowel movement and was still frequently urinating.

The spinach soup was growing on me and 1 actually looked forward to eating it (as I was hungry by lunchtime) even though it's a bit of a struggle to finish it.

I thoroughly enjoyed the huge kale salad for dinner. I still felt not quite full throughout the day, but after dinner I was feeling fine.

Over the course of the day I did notice I was gassy and my stomach was gurgling, there was no discomfort.

I am feeling lighter in general and lighter around my abdominal area. My thyroid (goiter) is less swollen and I am not so tender in the neck.

Addendum: second time on the cleanse; I felt a little depressed, which is unlike me. This was just odd as it came through the previous day but out of nowhere.

I also started feeling slight body aches and pains (similar to how I feel if I eat gluten)

My days 1-3 experience overview

Feeling my thyroid be a little happier so far has really made this cleanse the best decision I have made in a while.

I found the past three days to be fairly easy. The only downside is I smell like a garlic factory from all the consumed raw garlic.

This cleanse requires prep work, there is a lot of juicing and veg prep. I've been at home so far during these past three days which 100% makes it easier.

I've been contemplating; bringing in one raw day into my weekly routine post cleanse, undertaking this Advanced 3:6:9 Cleanse every school holidays (easiest time for me to undertake this cleanse) and transitioning into the 90-day thyroid healing cleanse.

The 90-day thyroid cleanse is flexible with the foods I can choose from.

If you're interested in learning about this cleanse, I highly recommend the Medical Medium Cleanse To Heal* book.

This book is the ideal companion to refer to during the cleanse (I've loads of post-it notes throughout the book) and the information contained is extremely beneficial.

Details outlining the reasons why you could be feeling unwell are amazing, especially if you previously haven't been able to find out why.

Addendum: second time on the cleanse; I'd like to highlight the fact the although the cleanse is the exact same, the experience is completely different.

I found the second time on the cleanse days 1-3 to be easier and faster. I also slept the best I had slept in a long time.

If you too have thyroid issues, I also highly recommend the Medical Medium Thyroid Healing* book.

This book alone gave me so many answers and helps me make better food choices.

Since stumbling upon the Medical Medium about 18 months ago, his information has been a go-to resource.

I have referred family and friends onto his books and all have adopted his guides in some form or fashion.

Medical medium advance 3:6:9 cleanse nori rolls for dinner
Nori Rolls for dinner from the Medical Medium Advanced 3:6:9 Liver Rescue Cleanse

Days Four - Six

Day four

I had a restless sleep, fell asleep after midnight, which isn't ideal.

Woke up feeling fine but within 15 minutes I was very tired. I spent my morning with the old lethargic feeling, my arms and legs felt heavy.

The meal plan for these next three days have changed;

  • Lemon water - same as previously
  • Celery juice - increased to 950ml in the morning and again in the afternoon
  • Breakfast is still a large heavy metals detox smoothie which I enjoy. Within an hour of consuming the above, my tiredness starting shifting.
  • Mid morning (and afternoon) snack is a red apple
  • Lunch was a raw spinach soup, I am finally okay now with this meal, and am starting to enjoy it
  • Dinner I opted the leafy green nori rolls (there are options of other salads)
  • Chaga mushroom tea in the evening
  • Prior to bedtime, more lemon water

Drinking the first round of celery juice I was fine, the afternoon session left me feeling like a water balloon in my abdominal area and gave me an mild cramp where my liver is.

These feelings starting subsiding within 15 minutes.

As mentioned above, my tiredness starting shifting once I had my morning food routine done. By the afternoon, I was feeling better but still unmotivated.

Addendum:second time on the cleanse; I was feeling normal once again, however the slight body aches & pains continued throughout the day.

Day Five

Pretty much the same, just unmotivated for most of the day and I had a mild cramp on my right hand side of my torso. Felt like a stitch.

The second round of juice had me, again, feeling bloated, but with all the trips to the bathroom this gets better.

I was comfortable with the foods I was consuming, except I was finding stomaching the rawness of asparagus challenging - this was in my dinner; nori wraps.

Addendum:second time on the cleanse; The slight body aches & pains continued throughout the dayand stomaching celery juice was becoming uncomfortable in the afternoon.

Day Six

I feel as though day four - six are pretty much the same, it's the lack of motivation that was the hardest part.

I just couldn't be bothered with the world but as we do, I had to push on.

The cramp/stitch on my right side has gone, but I could hear my stomach/guts gurgling throughout the day - this wasn't uncomfortable.

Aside from being unmotivated, I was feeling good and wasn't complaining that I wasn't feeling well. Which is something I seem to say quite a bit, much to my dismay.

Addendum:second time on the cleanse; The slight body aches & pains have become intermittent throughout the day and again stomaching celery juice was becoming uncomfortable in the afternoon.

I also found I had lost two kilos in weightand was feeling super light.

My days 4-6 experience overview

For most of this trimester I felt blah, that's the best way to describe it.

Being motivated was hard. However, I was feeling healthier, not sluggish in the guts.

Upping the juice quantity was always an uncomfortable amount to drink when it came to round two (afternoon juice).

Would I still recommend this challenge at this point? Yes, I love the lighter feeling.

Addendum:second time on the cleanse; days 4-6 overview - again the cleanse this time has been much easier and quicker.

I knew the tastes to expect and wasn't shocked at the rawness of the meals. I also chose to repeat the same dinner as the previous segment as this was the salad I enjoyed most (kale salad).

T he emotions spurred up were surprising (I experienced this slightly during the first time of doing the cleanse), the Medical Medium does detail why this is and the relation to this within ancestry lines.

Again this segment of the cleanse I have been sleeping soundly.

heavy metals detox smoothie with blender in the background
Heavy metal detox smoothie - tastes fab!

Days Seven - Nine

Wow, I am so glad to be on the home stretch of this cleanse. It's the last three days and I cannot be happier.

Ok, overall the food wasn't that bad, but toward the end I really couldn't stomach eating or looking at any more raw food.

Now, I am used to eating plant-based, so for me that wasn't an issue whatsoever, it was being RAW vegan that was hard towards the end.

Day Seven

This day was the same as day six, but my motivation levels were back and I was able to function without feeling CBF.

The diet had changed again for my dinner this time and I chose cauliflower salad.

Not the most appetising salad, but because I was feeling good, I didn't mind chowing down on a small head of cauliflower.

Addendum:second time on the cleanse; Slept late as I just couldn't fall asleep. Didn't feel hungry, in fact for most of the cleanse I've not been hungry like the prior cleanse, my portion sizes have been reduced to fit exactly what I need.

My thyroid is small-er, which for me is a massive deal. It doesn't feel as hard as before. I am beginning to, once again, force myself to drink the celery juice in the afternoon.

Day Eight

Ok, this is the day were I was so so so over it, I was so over eating raw fruit and veg, that by the end of the day I couldn't wait to go to bed so that I could wake up and have a change as day nine is just juice day and some puree.

Healthwise, I was feeling fabulous. My thyroid felt smaller, and the tenderness wasn't there. I was feeling light and not sluggish at all.

Addendum:second time on the cleanse; I woke up hungry, which is unlike this second time around on the cleanse as I mentioned earlier, I wasn't really feeling as hungry as previously.

This day went smoothly, I was feeling super nimble. I managed to fall asleep quickly and had a great night's sleep.

Day Nine

I had mixed feelings coming onto this day as normally if I don't eat I feel revolting (weak, faint, jittery) and I was so sure that these feelings would come back as I would have nothing solid in my belly.

Boy was I wrong. This day was only partially completed; I was able to get my lemon water, morning celery juice, ½ a watermelon (yes you read that right HALF of a FULL watermelon) 2 papaya and that was it.

The thought of celery juice was a turn-off, (and that's something I never thought I would say as I love drinking it in the mornings in my everyday life) I felt like I was a cow grazing on grass.

I just couldn't do the full day - I did most.

Most importantly, how did I feel ? I felt AMAZING!

The next couple of days (post cleanse) I stuck to just fruit and veg, but I could cook them, so that was exciting. No added salt or anything.

Addendum:second time on the cleanse; Day 9 was a lot easier than the first time around, but once again, I couldn't fit all of the juice in for the day.

Again, feeling the lightest yet and zero bloating.

Side Note

It's one week post cleanse and I feel guilty about nearly everything I eat. Which mind you is nothing that bad, but if I eat a nut, I feel like I'm cheating myself/body.

I do enjoy however eating my guilt-free mango sorbet (which is 100% healthy) I keep reminding myself that life must go on and that I will have to enjoy cooked and non cleanse foods again.

My plan is to repeat this cleanse, as what it has done for my health is worth everything.

I was lucky enough to have a friend who also did the cleanse (she chose the original version) and our days crossed over, so having support it crucial - we would check in on each other daily.

Addendum:second time on the cleanse; One week post cleanse I am suffering mostly from vertigo, reflux and my sleep is disturbed.

Albeit these unpleasant symptoms, my thyroid was the softest and smallest yet.

My thyroid is a big deal for me as I have so much grief with it, what this cleanse and the explanation by the Medical Medium has done for me has far surpassed my expectations both physically and mentally.

I am thinking about repeating the cleanse now next month.

Advanced Liver 3:6:9 Cleanse Benefits

Here is a quick list of the benefits (for me) on the medical medium cleanse;

  • I was 3.5 kilos lighter after the 9 days (second time on cleanse I lost 2.5 kilos)
  • My thyroid felt the smallest since my issues started
  • I had little to no symptoms by day 9
  • Appreciation for food: I look at foods differently and appreciate the power they possess to work with the human body to heal
  • I will be repeating this cleanse in the future just based on the great feeling it gave me - so much vitality!

Advanced Liver 3:6:9 Cleanse Downside

These may or may not be viewed as a downside:

  • This cleanse, is it isn't a quick fix, it's merely the gateway to getting healthier. 9 days hasn't reversed all my symptoms, though during the cleanse I felt great.
  • Getting back into 'normal' foods can be hard to stomach. What I mean by normal foods, is any food not permissible during the cleanse. That's why I shared my recipe for easy 1 ingredient mango sorbet - which I don't feel guilty eating it.
  • Other symptoms can flare up post cleanse, for me I experienced reflux, heartburn, vertigo and more.
  • The cleanse is part of a journey and need a commitment to continue to heal. What I mean is ready your mindset that you have to repeat the cleanse multiple times.


Now that I have completed the cleanses, I 100% recommend the cleanse if you have a general feeling of unwell or if you want to reset or if you experience mysterious symptoms.

In the grand scheme of life, 9 days is nothing to give up loads of foods for the amount of gain - this cleanse gave me a massive boost in vitality.

I am bringing this cleanse and the foods involved more frequently into my life. I have recommended it to so many family and friends; everyone's experience is unique.

Again though, the book is required as it is the one resource I used consistently throughout.

It is loaded with information, guides and recipes.

If you tried this cleanse (or any of the medical medium cleanses) drop me a comment below - I would love to read your experiences.

If you're into reviews - check out my GoodnessMe Subscription Box review.

It's detailed with the breakdown of each box, and gives an honest review. Applicable to Aussie's only.

Can You Drink Coffee on the 369 Liver Cleansing Diet
