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Can I Drink Atkins Shakes on Keto Diet

And when they do, Atkins Nutritionals Inc. will be ready with new products and established options that it says consumers will love, according to Linda Zink, vice president and chief insights officer for the low-carb diet food manufacturer.

"The increased interest in the ketogenic diet,"​ which promotes a low-carb, high-protein and high-fat diet in order to promote weight loss and management, "goes back to consumers becoming more educated and aware that the low-fat approach that the US Dietary Guidelines promotes doesn't really work for them and they are searching for different options,"​ Zink claimed.

One of those options is the ketogenic diet, which severely restricts the intake of carbs in order to force the body to burn fat for fuel, she explained. However, she added, "most people find keto to be too restrictive and not sustainable. They can do it for short periods of time, but in order see long-term changes many people want more flexibility."

And Atkins, which is a keto diet but allows for slightly higher carb consumptions, provides that, Zink explained.

"We actually deliver a lot of the same benefits, but we are not as restrictive as the ketogenic diet,"​ nor is it as controversial, Zink said.

She added Atkins is a "tried and true diet and trusted brand that has weathered"​ many diet fads.

So that even with keto on the rise, "Atkins remains relevant and at this point we are even seeing increased interest because consumers are becoming more educated about what Atkins is and by remaining true to our core values over the years consumers know they can trust us,"​ she said.

New protein shakes add to Atkins' diverse range

Atkins also has a leg up on keto because there currently are more products available that comply with the diet to help consumers stay focused, Zink added.

Among these is a new high-protein, high fiber shake that Atkins Nutritionals launched in May.

"We are very excited about this shake, which has 30 grams of high quality dairy protein and 7 grams of fiber, and which we were inspired to make because it provides something consumers said they wanted but couldn't find on the market, which is a specific combination of macro nutrients and ingredients,"​ Zink said.

"You can find protein shakes in all different ranges of protein, different tastes, all those things, but we really focus on a combination of things that are important to consumers and that is the combination of protein and fiber to really satisfy hunger,"​ Zink said.

The Plus Protein & Fiber Shakes come Creamy Milk Chocolate and Creamy Vanilla and are "packed"​ with 20 vitamins and minerals and "boast a low glycemic impact of 1 gram of sugar,"​ according to the company.

The protein in the shake comes from whey, but Zink recognizes that there is increased demand for alternative protein sources and says Atkins may consider products formulated with those in the future.

The company also is thinking about "innovation across different categories to bring low carb options and convenience to consumers,"​ which will continue to build on the company's diverse options that range from indulgent frozen pizza ​ to bars and drinks​ for fitness enthusiasts, she added.

How much fat should we eat? And can you have too much of a good thing?​ Find out at our FREE webinar on June 20: Chewing the Fat: Navigating the Healthy Fats Minefield​​, where you can access new market data from SPINS and learn how consumers are thinking about fat.

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Can I Drink Atkins Shakes on Keto Diet
