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Hitfilm How to Make a Logo Composite to Use Again in Other Projects

Bare Composite Shots for slideshow



I've watched this video :

I would like to acquire how to get blank composite shots to apply to images in order to create a slide show and speedup the process, avoiding to reset the values for each prototype


  • Palacono

    Video is set to individual, nosotros can't come across information technology. :)

    Never mind, I'grand running on iii cylinders today.

    Duh! Go to Vimeo.

  • Triem23

    Y'all practise what "Max" did. Create a Composite Shot for each media holder, add together media so you lot can see what y'all're doing, load the embedded comps into your main comp, build your animation, then delete the media files and save the project.

    Once you reload the project via Add Composite Shot, drag media into each Media Holder Composite Shot and yous're done.

    Another pick is to build your slideshow and save it with media. Past right-clicking a media file in the Media Panel and selecting "Relink" you tin can replace an existing media file with a new one.

    I have a super-bones x-image slideshow preset y'all tin can download for complimentary from the Hitfilm Preset Marketplace.

    This tutorial talks a lot near media management in Hitfilm, including relinking files, and a short discussion of templates.

  • TotopoCraft

    That video explains information technology pretty well.

    He is using embedded composite shots. That style, yous animate the composite instead of each image. Finally, y'all save the master comp with the embedded comps as a file (HitFilm tin save HFCS or HitFilm Composite Shots) and utilise them in other projects.

    And then all yous accept to practise is place the images, video, or any media in those blended shots, as they work as containers.

    Here is the schematic view of the process

    Slide Comp

  • inScapeDigital

  • Triem23

    @inScapeDigital sounded like yous. Did someone steal your video, or do you accept a Vimeo account under another name?

  • inScapeDigital

    @Triem23 Max hired me to make the templates and the tutorials.

  • Triem23

  • sduccio

     Cheers then much to everyone. I will pdf this thread since it'due south a tutorial itself.

  • sduccio

    Ok, this is my first attempt:

    • create new editing work
    • import an image
    • create composite shot with a scaling from 100% to 20%
    • delete the imported  image from the media panel, considering by rightclicking I cannot find an unlink command
    • salve the comp
    • create a new editing work
    • import another paradigm
    • import the saved comp
    • dragged the epitome into the comp
    • upshot: a 2d layer is created into the comp and the settings are not heired

    What am I missing, to brand information technology like Max?

    I hateful: how practise I create an empty holder keeping the settings?

  • Triem23

    The issue here is you practical the scaling to the original media, then deleted it. That's where the scaling had been stored.

    At present, I don't know what other photo editing software yous may take, merely you take some options.

    1) don't delete the original media, merely use "Relink" as described above. This will maintain scaling and effects on the relinked media. The just disadvantage is, if the replacement media is a different size from the original media yous'll accept to rescale.

    ii) create your Composite Shot at the original media size, then calibration the COMPOSITE SHOT one time it'due south embedded in your chief comp. Again, the disadvantage is that if the replacement media is a different size as the original media y'all'll have to rescale the media in its Composite Shot.

    3) ignore i and 2. The slideshow animation is what takes forever. Rescaling new media is fast, and y'all still save lots of fourth dimension with preset animation.

    4) if you have other photo editing software, utilise that to batch resize your pics to the same dimensions before import. So you can ready one scale and never have to worry about a mismatch.

    Also, if you lot're creating a slideshow with multiple pieces of media and multiple media holders, salve it every bit a PROJECT, not a Blended Shot. If Comp Shot A has embedded Comp Shot B and you save Comp A as a Composite Shot, yous merely lost B. Salvage as Composite Shot doesn't save embedded comps. Projects can be imported via the Import Blended Shot carte and retain all embedded comps. Just make your final animation a Composite Shot because Editor Timelines don't import via Import Composite Shot.

    Btw, if you click the Star icon at the summit of a thread, information technology's bookmarked. You tin can find your bookmarked threads by clicking the bookmark icon/word at the bottom of this folio.

  • sduccio

    Quotation from above:

    "You do what "Max" did. Create a Composite Shot for each media holder, add media so yous can see what you lot're doing, load the embedded comps into your main comp, build your blitheness, and then delete the media files and salvage the project.

    Once you reload the project via Add Blended Shot, drag media into each Media Holder Composite Shot and you're done. "

    • I create a blended shot with 1 pic (I have 3 pictures of the same size and I want to test the replacing in the media holder)
    • No idea how to create embedded comps : googled 'embedded comps in hitfilm ', but no results equally far as I can come across
    • Anyway I created the blitheness, deleted the media file and saved the project.
    • Created new project
    • Imported new motion picture of the same size
    • Imported the .hfp into the project
    • dragged the imported picture show into the comp are
    • result: new layer without settings.

    My purpose is this:

    I have l images of the same size

    I want to create 3 comps holders

    1. zoom from 20 to 100%
    2. slip from left to right
    3. slip from right to left

    Then create a slideshow with 50 pics and assign the ane or two or 3 behaviour at my leisure.
    Max's video shows that it is possible to import empty comps and embedded comps and reuse them to create a slideshow with several movements.

    Now I would like to know how to create empty comps and how to create embedded comps.

    I fearfulness I need a step past pace advise or at least to pinpoint a manual. In the online aid I plant few lines about.

    Thanks in advance

    P.S. I just plant 'import composite shot' , cannot find the 'add blended shot'

  • Triem23

    I'm going to tag @inScapeDigital equally he is the actual creator of the video you're referencing (Javert, I assume it was work for rent, since you didn't put your proper noun on it.).

    Also,the tutorial *I* am working on this week is Blended Shots, and,  with a ten-page, 8,000 discussion OUTLINE, I'm simply already done with this topic for the week. :-)

    Besides, I've already answered the original question twice, so, obviously my caption isn't the right way to explicate things to sduccio.  You lot create an embedded Composite Shot by dragging 1 Composite Shot within another. That'south information technology. Information technology's that uncomplicated. Y'all create an empty Composite Shot by creating a Composite Shot, and not putting anything in information technology. That's it. It'south that elementary.

  • sduccio

    thank you @Triem23

    In the last answer it's more articulate to me.

    I'm sorry I could not understand earlier.

  • sduccio


    I have understood. It works fine.

    Thanks and apologizes

  • Triem23

    Sduccio no need to apologize to me. Different teachers explain things in different ways and different students larn in different ways. :-) I genuinely idea that my way of explaining wasn't working for y'all and that Inscape'due south different approach would piece of work better. :-)

    Glad you figured it out and your slideshow is doing what you lot desire. :-)

  • tddavis


    Yous are so right at that place.  I about failed high school Chem and physics but different teachers in higher could get the info in my head then I could grasp information technology and I got an A in both.
