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Peer Reviewed Journal Physical Development of 21 Year Old

Developmental Psychology

Find peer-reviewed journals that publish Developmental Psychology. Periodical descriptions are excerpts from their websites; impact factors are from Thomson Scientific's 2007 Periodical Citation Reports (higher numbers means a greater number of boilerplate citations of new papers in the following 2 years).

Developmental Psychology Journals

Child Development

Child Evolution: Since its inception in 1930, Child Development has been devoted to original contributions on topics in child development from the fetal period through adolescence. It is a vital source of information not only for researchers and theoreticians, but for child psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, psychiatric social workers, specialists in early childhood education, educational psychologists, special teaching teachers, and other researchers in the field. [Impact Factor: iii.382]

Developmental Psychology: Developmental Psychology publishes articles that advance noesis and theory nearly development across the life bridge. The journal includes significant empirical contributions as well every bit scholarly reviews and theoretical or methodological manufactures. Studies of any aspect of psychological development are appropriate, as are studies of the biological, social, and cultural factors that bear upon evolution. [Impact Gene: 3.038]

Monographs of the Lodge for Enquiry in Child Development: Since 1935 this serial has presented in-depth research studies and significant findings in child development and its related disciplines. Each issue consists of a single report or a grouping of papers on a unmarried theme, accompanied normally by commentary and discussion. Like all Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) publications, the Monographs enable development specialists from many disciplines to share their data, techniques, research methods, and conclusions. [Impact Cistron: three.000]

Developmental Review: Presenting research that bears on important conceptual bug in developmental psychology, Developmental Review: Perspectives in Behavior and Noesis provides child and developmental, child clinical, and educational psychologists with administrative manufactures that reflect current thinking and cover significant scientific developments. The journal emphasizes human developmental processes and gives particular attention to issues relevant to child developmental psychology. The enquiry concerns issues with of import implications for the fields of pediatrics, psychiatry, and pedagogy, and increases the agreement of socialization processes. [Impact Cistron: 2.032]

Journal of Experimental Child Psychology: The Journal of Experimental Child Psychology is a leading source of empirical research on all aspects of children's evolution from infancy through boyhood, including cognitive, social, and physical development. In addition to publishing full-length and cursory empirical reports, the journal occasionally includes methodological notes. There is also a "Reflections" format, in which a lead empirical article is followed past a gear up of reflections on the commodity. Scholars hash out 1 or more of the empirical, theoretical, methodological, or analytical issues raised past the initial paper. In add-on, the journal periodically publishes Special Topic issues. [Impact Factor: i.563]

Advances in Child Development and Behavior: Advances in Kid Development and Behavior is intended to ease the job faced by researchers, instructors, and students who are confronted past the vast amount of research and theoretical give-and-take in child evolution and behavior. The series provides scholarly technical manufactures with disquisitional reviews, contempo advances in inquiry, and fresh theoretical viewpoints. [Touch on Factor: i.444]

British Journal of Developmental Psychology: Publishes full-length empirical, conceptual, review and word papers, also as brief reports, on all aspects of developmental psychology. [Impact Factor: i.205]

International Journal of Behavioral Evolution: The International Journal of Behavioral Development is the official journal of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Evolution which exists to promote the discovery, broadcasting and awarding of knowledge about developmental processes at all stages of the life span - infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and sometime age. [Impact Factor: i.171]

The Periodical of Genetic Psychology: The Journal of Genetic Psychology is devoted to enquiry and theory in developmental psychology across the life span. Articles that business organization educational, clinical, cross-cultural, and comparative bug related to development as well are encouraged. Although the major focus of the journal is empirical research and the exposition and criticism of theory, applied and descriptive articles are occasionally published as well as brief reports, replications and refinements, and reviews of the literature. [Impact Gene: 0.843]

Merrill-Palmer Quarterly: Periodical of Developmental Psychology: This internationally acclaimed periodical features empirical and theoretical papers on child evolution and family-child relationships. A high-quality resource for researchers, writers, teachers, and practitioners, the journal contains up-to-appointment information on advances in developmental research on infants, children, adolescents, and families; summaries and integrations of inquiry; commentaries by experts; and reviews of important new books in development. [Touch Factor: 0.824]

Early Childhood Research Quarterly: For over twenty years, Early Childhood Research Quarterly (ECRQ) has influenced the field of early babyhood educational activity and evolution through the publication of empirical research that meets the highest standards of scholarly and practical significance. ECRQ publishes predominantly empirical inquiry (quantitative or qualitative methods) on issues of involvement to early babyhood development, theory, and educational do (Birth through 8 years of age). [Touch Cistron: 0.632]

Baby Development

Infancy: This journal will emphasize the highest quality original research on normal and aberrant infant evolution during the first 2 years. Both human being and brute research will be included. In add-on to regular length research articles (thirty page maximum) and brief reports (10 page maximum) the periodical volition include solicited target articles along with a series of commentaries; debates, in which different theoretical positions are presented along with a series of commentaries; and thematic collections, a group of four or five moderate to short reports or summaries of research on the same issue, conducted independently at different laboratories only all leading to a common conclusion. [Impact Factor: 1.694]

Infant and Child Development: Infant and Child Development publishes empirical, theoretical and methodological papers dealing with psychological development during infancy and babyhood upward to and including adolescence. Papers of an interdisciplinary nature are peculiarly encouraged. Areas covered by the journal include caregiver-child interaction, cerebral development, emotional development, infant perception, motor evolution, parenting and development, play and evolution, precursors to language and language development, and socialization. [Impact Factor: 1.091]

Infant Beliefs and Development: Infant Behavior & Development publishes empirical (central and clinical), theoretical, methodological and review papers. Brief reports dealing with behavioral development during infancy (up to 3 years) will also be considered. Papers of an inter- and multidisciplinary nature, for example neuroscience, non-linear dynamics and modelling approaches, are particularly encouraged. Areas covered by the journal include cognitive development, emotional evolution, perception, perception-action coupling, motor development and socialisation. [Impact Gene: 0.970]

Adolescent Evolution

Journal of Boyish Enquiry: For over twenty years, the Journal of Adolescent Research (JAR) has been the must-read publication for all academics, practitioners, policy-makers, and journalists interested in a global perspective (not simply Due north America) on adolescence (ages 10-18) and emerging machismo (ages 18-25). Manufactures are emphasized that combine both quantitative and qualitative methods, use a systematic qualitative or ethnographic approach, interruption new theoretical ground, or use a new methodological approach. [Impact Factor: one.240]

Journal of Research on Adolescence: Multidisciplinary and international in scope, the Journal of Research on Adolescence (JRA) significantly advances knowledge in the field of boyish research. Employing a diverse assortment of methodologies, this compelling journal publishes original research and integrative reviews of the highest level of scholarship. Featured studies include both quantitative and qualitative methodologies applied to cognitive, physical, emotional, and social evolution and behavior. Manufactures pertinent to the variety of developmental patterns inherent throughout adolescence are featured, including cantankerous-national and cross-cultural studies. Attention is given to normative patterns of beliefs every bit well as individual differences rooted in personal or social and cultural factors. [Affect Gene: 1.207]

The Periodical of Early Boyhood: For over 28 years, the Journal of Early Adolescence (JEA) has provided enervating researchers and practitioners in criminology, developmental psychology, didactics, human development and family studies, psychology, psychiatry, public health, and folklore with the latest work apropos original theories, empirical enquiry, literature reviews, and science-based practices regarding the early on adolescent developmental period (ten through xiv years of age). [Impact Gene: 1.154]

Instruction & Child Development

Periodical of Educational Psychology: Journal of Educational Psychology publishes original, primary psychological research pertaining to pedagogy beyond all ages and educational levels. The journal too occasionally features uncommonly of import theoretical and review articles pertinent to educational psychology. Readers learn of innovative chief enquiry and integrative, empirical studies, including those based on a wide diversity of methodologies and data analysis strategies. [Bear on Factor: 2.353]

Educational Psychologist: The scholarly essays, reviews, critiques, and theoretical and conceptual articles featured in this infrequent periodical contribute to understanding issues, problems, and research apropos all aspects of educational psychology. From meta-analyses of studies probing the effectiveness of teaching methods to historical examinations of textbook standards, the journal provides insightful explorations of new educational concepts and accepted educational practices. The periodical, withal, does not publish articles whose main purpose is to report the methods and results of an empirical study. [Impact Factor: 2.231]

Periodical of the Learning Sciences: Published past LEA and in its 14th book in 2005, JLS is a multidisciplinary forum for the presentation and discussion of important ideas that can change our understanding of learning and education [Touch Cistron: one.571]

Knowledge and Instruction: Amid education journals, Cognition and Education's distinctive niche is rigorous study of foundational issues concerning the mental, socio-cultural, and meditational processes and conditions of learning and intellectual competence. For these purposes, both "knowledge" and "pedagogy" must exist interpreted broadly. The journal preferentially attends to the "how" of learning and intellectual practices. A residual of well-reasoned theory and careful and reflective empirical technique is typical. [Impact Cistron: 1.519]

Learning and Didactics: Learning and Instruction is an international, multi-disciplinary journal that provides a platform for the publication of the most avant-garde high-quality research in the areas of learning, development, education and instruction. The journal welcomes several types of contributions: reports of original empirical investigations, and replications or extensions of important previous work; critical, integrative theoretical and methodological contributions. A preference, nevertheless, will exist given to empirically-based studies. [Touch Factor: i.029]

Journal of Experimental Education: The Journal of Experimental Education publishes theoretical, laboratory, and classroom enquiry studies that utilize the range of quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Contempo manufactures accept explored the correlation betwixt test preparation and functioning, enhancing students' self-efficacy, the effects of peer collaboration among students, and arguments about statistical significance and effect size reporting. [Bear upon Factor: 0.931]

Instructional Science: Instructional Scientific discipline promotes a deeper agreement of the nature, theory, and exercise of the instructional process and resultant learning. Published papers correspond a multifariousness of perspectives from the learning sciences and cover learning past people of all ages, in all areas of the curriculum, and in informal and formal learning contexts. Emphasizing reports of original empirical inquiry, the periodical stands out by providing space for total and detailed reporting of major studies. These include studies addressing learning processes, learning technology, learner characteristics, and learning outcomes. Regardless of the topic, all papers published in the periodical make a contribution to the science of instruction past drawing out the instructional implications of new research on learning. [Impact Factor: 0.795]

Journals about Specific Branches of Developmental Psychology

Developmental Scientific discipline: Developmental Science publishes cutting-edge theory and upwardly-to-the-minute research on scientific developmental psychology from leading thinkers in the field. It is currently the simply periodical that specifically focuses on developmental cerebral neuroscience. [Focus: Developmental Neuropsychology, Bear on Factor: iii.198]

Developmental Neuropsychology: Devoted to exploring relationships between brain and behavior across the life span, Developmental Neuropsychology publishes scholarly papers on the appearance and development of behavioral functions, such every bit language, perception, and social, motivational and cognitive processes as they relate to brain functions and structures. Appropriate subjects include studies of changes in cerebral part - encephalon structure relationships across a fourth dimension period, early on cerebral behaviors in normal and brain-damaged children, plasticity and recovery of function after early on brain damage, the development of complex cognitive and motor skills, and specific and nonspecific disturbances, such as learning disabilities, mental retardation, schizophrenia, stuttering, and developmental aphasia. In the gerontologic areas, relevant subjects include neuropsychological analyses of normal historic period-related changes in brain and behavioral functions, such every bit sensory, motor, cerebral, and adaptive abilities; studies of age-related diseases of the nervous system; and recovery of part in later life. [Focus: Developmental Neuropsychology, Bear upon Factor: 2.922]

Attachment & Homo Development: Attachment & Human Development provides the leading forum for the presentation and discussion of scientific theories nearly emotional and cognitive development, internal representations and social processes. [Focus: Attachment Theory & Social Development, Impact Factor: one.717]

Cerebral Evolution: Cognitive Development contains the very best empirical and theoretical work on the development of perception, memory, language, concepts, thinking, trouble solving, metacognition, and social cognition. Criteria for credence of articles will be: significance of the work to bug of current interest, substance of the statement, and clarity of expression. For purposes of publication in Cognitive Development, moral and social development will be considered part of cerebral development when they are related to the evolution of knowledge or thought processes. [Focus: Cognitive Evolution, Impact Cistron: 1.197]

Man Evolution: Distinguished by its international recognition since 1958, 'Human Development' publishes in-depth conceptual articles, commentaries, and essay book reviews that advance our understanding of developmental phenomena. Contributions serve to raise theoretical issues, flesh out interesting and potentially powerful ideas, and differentiate key constructs. Contributions are welcomed from varied disciplines, including anthropology, biology, instruction, history, philosophy, psychology, and folklore. [Focus: Theory of Evolution, Bear on Gene: i.077]

Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology: The Journal of Practical Developmental Psychology provides a forum for the presentation of conceptual, methodological, policy, and inquiry studies involved in the awarding of behavioral science inquiry in developmental and life span psychology. The Periodical publishes quality papers from an interdisciplinary perspective focusing on a broad assortment of social problems. The Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology focuses on two key concepts: human development, which refers to the psychological transformations and modifications that occur during the life cycle and influence an individual'southward behavior within the social milieu; and application of knowledge, which is derived from investigating variables in the developmental process. Its contributions embrace research that deals with traditional life span markets (age, social roles, biological status, environmental variables) and broadens the scopes of written report to include variables that promote understanding of psychological processes and their onset and development within the life span. Nigh chiefly, the Journal demonstrates how cognition gained from research tin be applied to policy making and to educational, clinical, and social settings. [Focus: Application of Developmental Psychology, Impact Factor: ane.055]

Social Evolution: Social Development is a major international journal dealing with all aspects of children's social evolution every bit seen from a psychological opinion. Coverage includes a broad range of topics such as social noesis, peer relationships, social interaction, attachment germination, emotional development and children'southward theories of mind. The main emphasis is placed on development in childhood, but lifespan, cross-species and cross-cultural perspectives enhancing our agreement of human development are also featured. [Focus: Social Development, Impact Factor: 0.986]

Journal of Youth and Boyhood: Journal of Youth and Boyhood provides a unmarried, high-level medium of communication for psychologists, psychiatrists, biologists, criminologists, educators, and professionals in many other allied disciplines who address the subject of youth and adolescence. The journal publishes papers based on experimental evidence and data, theoretical papers, and comprehensive review articles. The journal especially welcomes empirically rigorous papers that take policy implications seriously. Enquiry need not have been designed to address policy needs, merely manuscripts must address implications for the manner society formally ( thousand., through laws, policies or regulations) or informally (e.1000., through parents, peers, and social institutions) responds to the period of youth and boyhood. [Focus: Awarding of Developmental Psychology, Impact Factor: 0.915]

Periodical of Kid Language: A cardinal publication in the field, Journal of Child Language publishes manufactures on all aspects of the scientific study of linguistic communication behaviour in children, the principles which underlie information technology, and the theories which may account for information technology. The international range of authors and breadth of coverage let the journal to forge links betwixt many different areas of enquiry including psychology, linguistics, cognitive scientific discipline and anthropology. This interdisciplinary approach spans a wide range of interests: phonology, phonetics, morphology, syntax, vocabulary, semantics, pragmatics, sociology of language, or whatever other recognised facet of language report. In add-on to articles and book reviews, the journal contains a Notes section and an occasional section containing a review article plus commentaries past a range of other researchers. [Focus: Language Development, Bear on Factor: 0.880]

Machismo Development

Psychology and Aging: Psychology and Crumbling is the primary journal focusing on the fastest growing segment of the population - older adults. The journal is devoted exclusively to publishing research on the physiological and behavioral aspects of developed development and crumbling. Original articles include reports of research, which may be applied, biobehavioral, clinical, educational, experimental, methodological, or psychosocial. Relevant theoretical assay of research problems are too published, forth with brief reports and clinical case studies. [Impact Factor: two.518]

Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition : The purposes of Crumbling, Neuropsychology, and Cognition are to (a) publish research on both the normal and dysfunctional aspects of cognitive development in adulthood and aging, and (b) promote the integration of theories, methods, and research findings between the fields of cognitive gerontology and neuropsychology. The main emphasis of the journal is to publish original empirical research. Occasionally, theoretical or methodological papers, critical reviews of a content area, or theoretically relevant case studies will also exist published. Emphases of interest include information processing mechanisms, intellectual abilities, the impact of injury or disease on performance, cerebral training, cerebral and pharmacological approaches to treatment and rehabilitation, metacognition, and the social and personal aspects of cognitive functioning. [Impact Factor: 0.824]

The International Journal of Aging and Man Development: Nether what conditions does "development" end? Under what atmospheric condition does "crumbling" brainstorm? Tin these weather themselves be modified by intervention at the psychological, social, or biological levels? To what extent are patterns of development and crumbling attributable to biological factors? To psychological factors? How tin can the social and behavioral sciences contribute to the actualization of man potential throughout the entire life span? What are the implications of gerontological inquiry for our agreement of the total development of homo organism? [Affect Factor: 0.757]

Journals on other topics that Publish Developmental Psychology

Trends in Cognitive Sciences: This journal brings together research in psychology, bogus intelligence, linguistics, philosophy, computer science, anthropology, physiology and neuroscience, Trends in Cognitive Sciences (TiCS) provides a platform for the interaction of these disciplines and the development of cognitive research as an independent discipline. [Impact Gene: ix.389]

Psychological Science: The journal publishes authoritative manufactures of interest beyond all of psychological science, including encephalon and behavior, clinical science, cognition, learning and memory, social psychology, and developmental psychology. In addition to these full-length articles, Psychological Science also features summaries of new research developments and discussions of psychological issues in government and public affairs. [Impact Factor: 4.251]

Psychonomic Message & Review: Psychonomic Bulletin & Review provides broad coverage of topics in all areas of experimental psychology. The periodical is primarily defended to the publication of theory and review articles and brief reports of outstanding experimental piece of work. Areas of coverage include (merely are not limited to) beast learning and behavior, attention and perception, cognitive psychology, psycholinguistics, behavioral and cerebral neuroscience, social cognition, and cognitive development - in short, all areas of psychology that rely on experimental methods. [Impact Factor: 1.935]

Sex Roles: Sexual practice Roles: A Journal of Research is an interdisciplinary, behavioral science journal with a feminist perspective. It publishes original enquiry reports and review articles that illuminate the underlying processes and consequences of gender part socialization, gendered perceptions and behaviors, and gender stereotypes. Topics of articles might include body image, violence confronting women, or intimate partner violence, gender role socialization; social influences (e.chiliad., media, schools, peers, community) on stereotypes; the acquisition, maintenance, and bear upon of stereotypes; effects of contemporary social change (sociocultural also as economic, legal, and political systems); gendered physical and mental health concerns; gender issues in employment and piece of work environments; interpersonal relationships; sexual orientation and identity; or methodological issues in gender research. Research done in the The states also as other countries is welcomed. The journal likewise publishes book reviews that address gender-related topics. [Touch Cistron: 0.652]

Creativity Inquiry Journal: The well-established Creativity Research Periodical publishes high quality, scholarly inquiry capturing the full range of approaches to the report of creativity--behavioral, clinical, cognitive, cantankerous-cultural, developmental, educational, genetic, organizational, psychoanalytic, psychometric, and social. Interdisciplinary research is likewise published, equally is research within specific domains such as fine art and scientific discipline, as well every bit on critical bug such every bit aesthetics, genius, imagery, imagination, incubation, insight, intuition, metaphor, play, and trouble finding and solving. Integrative literature reviews and theoretical pieces that appreciate empirical work are welcome, but purely speculative articles will not exist published. [Touch on Factor: 0.574]
